Sensitive teeth - symptoms and causes
Sensitive teeth are a common problem. Sensitivity is often a sudden, sharp, quick and intense feeling. It affects more than half of all adults. Most of them are only occasionally affected.

Typical symptoms:
- Sensitivity to temperatures with particularly hot or cold foods
and beverages, such as water
- Pain when consuming sugary or acidic foods and drinks, more specifically, eating meat, nuts, spicy foods, hard fruits and sweets
- Sudden change in temperature, such as experiencing cold weather or cold air
- Fillings and crowns becoming sensitive when drinking cold beverages
- Pain during daily oral hygiene
Most people affected by sensitive teeth develop pain-avoidance strategies and avoid, amongst other things, ice-cream or hot beverages.
Experts advise a range of actions that treat the pain or, preferably, help to avoid it:
What can I do if I have sensitive teeth?

- Exposed dentine as well as tooth pain requires thorough, effective cleaning. A soft toothbrush is recommended for this
- Reduce pressure while brushing
- Use of a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth is recommended, to reduce sensitivity
- A special mouthwash can offer additional sensitivity relief for all types of teeth
- Visit your dental practice team for regular check-ups
The correct tooth brushing technique
Your tooth brushing technique also has an impact on your teeth and gums. Back-and-forth scrubbing movements can in the long-term lead to receding gums. If some of the dentine is exposed this can particularly exacerbate the problem. Try to use more circular movements. Your dentist can give you more helpful tips. Brush in a circular motion. Your dental practice team can give you useful advice.